Vol. 3 No. Especial II (2023): A Linguística e a Educação em debate nos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e no Brasil

					View Vol. 3 No. Especial II (2023): A Linguística e a Educação em debate nos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e no Brasil

This publication, related to Vol. 3, No. Special II, 2023, brings together works that discuss theoretical and practical aspects of linguistic and educational studies, specifically teaching methodologies and methods in Portuguese-speaking African countries and in Brazil. It is a publication organized by Prof. Dr. Maria Goreti Varela Freire Silva, professor at the University of Cape Verde, in Cape Verde, in coordination with Prof. Dr. Alexandre António Timbane (UNILAB/USP). The Njinga & Sepé Journal is welcoming, encourages research and publication and made an exception for articles from other areas of knowledge in Section VII "Varia". This Section VII welcomed research on Economics, Administration, Public Health, Anthropology, Sociology, Literature and other related areas. The objective is to offer opportunities for research to be shared, discussed and encouraged, especially for countries without technological and financial resources for publication. Scientific interaction between Brazil and African countries is urgent and beneficial because UNILAB is an international integration institution that values ​​cooperation and scientific exchanges with South-South so that all countries involved in the integration can grow together. The published materials were subject to peer and blind review in order to guarantee their scientific validity. We now invite you to read and share them with colleagues, teachers, students, and everyone without exception!

Profª. Drª. Maria Goreti Varela Freire Silva (Universidade de Cabo Verde, Cabo Verde)

Prof. Dr. Alexandre António Timbane (Universidade de Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira, Brasil)

Published: 21-12-2023

Seção I - Artigos inéditos e traduções/interpretações

Seção VII - Varia (Áreas afins)