Vol. 2 No. Especial I (2022): A educação na África lusófona e no Brasil: práticas, metodologias, métodos e gestão da educação

					View Vol. 2 No. Especial I (2022): A educação na África lusófona e no Brasil: práticas, metodologias, métodos e gestão da educação

Education in Portuguese-speaking Africa and Brazil is a major challenge. The big challenge is centered on teaching methodologies, flawed educational policies and the lack of commitment to the new generations. Efforts in the development and quality of education are sporadic and do not serve the vast majority of children, adolescents and young people. The problem of the language used in teaching is another challenge that in many cases prevents students from learning. It is in this perspective that this Special Issue, from Vol. 2 (2022) precisely to reflect on school management, methodologies and teaching methods in order to find ways to improve the quality of education in Lusophone Africa and Brazil. Be careful when reading the texts because the authors use African and Brazilian Portuguese and these varieties must be respected without prejudice.

Organização: Alexandre António Timbane (Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Universidade de Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira)

Published: 03-10-2022

Seção I - Artigos inéditos e traduções/interpretações

Seção VII - Varia (Áreas afins)