Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Cultura & Sociedade – Que Literacia(s) para uma Justiça Económica e Social?
Vol. 3, No. 2/2023 (Jul./Dec.) is the result of partnerships between several professors and researchers who participated in the 2nd International Conference on Culture & Society – What Literacy(ies) for Economic and Social Justice?, held at Zambeze University, Mozambique, in an online/remote format, on May 27th and 28th, 2021. The dossier is composed of fifteen (15) peer-reviewed articles selected by a Scientific Committee. In addition to the articles in the dossier (Section I), an interview (Section II), literary materials/poetry (Section III), articles on sign languages (Section VI) and several other scientific articles from various related areas (Section VII) were published. We thank the partnerships and wish everyone a good read. You can (co)share the Journal link with other interested parties.
Organização: Hilarino da Luz (Portugal/Cabo Verde), Esperança Ferraz (Angola), Noemi Alfieri (Alemanha/Portugal), Mbiavanga Fernando (Angola), Elizabeth Olegário (Portugal), Martins JC-Mapera (Moçambique) e Moisés de Lemos Martins (Portugal).
Coordenação: Alexandre António Timbane (Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Universidade de Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira)