About the Journal

The  Njinga & Sepé Journal was created in honor of the African Queen Njinga Mbandi and the Brazilian indigenous warrior Sepé Tiarajú. The Journal respects the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (1996), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2002) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2006).

The Njinga & Sepé Journal accepts and publishes texts written in any African or Brazilian indigenous language and videos of sign languages. A special exception is made for all East Timor languages ​​as it is a UNILAB partner country. Texts written in any other European language (Spanish, French, Portuguese or English) must be accompanied by a abstract  in an African or Brazilian indigenous languages. Sign languages ​​will have abstracts and a video of a maximum of 10 minutes. The Journal will publish one (1) volume per year, with two issues (1st issue. In May and 2nd issue in October) and occasionally a special volume depending on the demand of the authors and the Scientific Committee.

The “NJINGA & SEPÉ” Journal  is composed of six (6) sections: Section I - Unpublished articles and translations / interpretations; Section II - Interviews, book reviews; Section III - Poetry and Lyrics of popular songs; Section IV - Experience reports, photos, recipes for traditional foods, rites and festivities; Section V - Proverbs, taboos, myths and others; Section VI - Sign languages. Each author will choose a section. It is important to register because all texts must be submitted through the magazine's website. There are also the cultures, traditions and languages ​​of indigenous peoples, African peoples and the people of East Timor.

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Multidisciplinary studies and research in Africa and Latin America: following scientific paths for the 21st century
					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Multidisciplinary studies and research in Africa and Latin America: following scientific paths for the 21st century

Dear readers! Njinga & Sepé Magazine launches Vol. 4, No. 1, 2024, composed of 35 texts including original articles, reviews, poems, taboos, myths, festivities and other diverse writings. As a Culture Magazine, we seek to cover the various textual and academic genres available. This publication presents studies and research that address theoretical and practical aspects of African and South American languages, literature, cultures and the ongoing construction of identities. The publication shares knowledge in the search for an ongoing dialogue between Africa and South America. Njinga & Sepé Magazine is a scientific and democratic space that welcomes works by experienced researchers and others. This is a free and non-profit publication belonging to the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Brazil). Please share the content and links in this issue with others who are interested and let's continue to discuss the many common themes in the South-South region. At the end of each page, there is a suggestion on "how to cite". Please cite appropriately. We wish you all a good read!

Organização: Prof. Dr.  Amado Martinez Morgado (Universidade de Guantánamo, Cuba) e o Prof. Dr. Mbaz Nauege (Universidade Lueji A´Nkonde, Angola)

Coordenação: Prof. Alexandre António Timbane (Revista Njinga & Sepé). 

Published: 21-05-2024

Seção I - Artigos inéditos e traduções/interpretações

Seção III - Poesias, Letras, canções tradicionais, oratura

Seção VII - Varia (Áreas afins)

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NJINGA & SEPÉ Journal: International Journal of Cultures, African and Brazilian Languages ​​is a periodic linked to the Humanities and Letters Institute, from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB, Bahia, Brazil). The following groups are members of the Magazine: Africa-Brazil Research Group: knowledge production, civil society, development, global citizenship (Line of research: African and Afro-Brazilian languages ​​and cultures in Brazil and in the PALOP), Collection and Oral Corpus Study of Portuguese from Angola - GRECORPA, from University Agostinho Neto  (Angola), Center for African Studies at UNILAB.

NJINGA & SEPÉ Journal: International Magazine of Cultures, African and Brazilian Languages ​​aims to disseminate research on the following items: African / Brazilian cultures and their diversity; linguistic policy and planning of African and Brazilian languages; description and analysis of these languages ​​and revitalization and human rights projects. It is a magazine that will have one (1) volume per year, being the first issue to be published exactly on the 25th of May, in celebration of “Africa Day”, “Africa Liberation Day” or “Day of Organization of African Unity ”and the second issue to be published, exactly on August 9th in commemoration of the“ International Day of Indigenous Peoples ”. Eventually, a special issue will be published (without a fixed date) that will be carried out on demand.