the implications of traditionalism in the process of teaching-learning of portuguese language in the colégio nº13 do dundo

Maliji akulu aku longesela nawo laka lyia Phutfu ku Colégio nº13 mu limbo lia Dundo (Angola)


  • José Corindo Muaquixe Escola Pedagógica da Lunda Norte, Universidade Lueji A´Nkonde - Angola


Teaching; Portuguese language; Learning theories.


: Learning theories present conceptions or approaches that support the distinctive forms of knowledge acquisition, skills or even skills. The present work is the result of an investigation made with the objective of reflecting on the implications of Traditionalism in the Process of Teaching-learning of Portuguese Language in the Colégio Nº 13 do Dundo. We are guided by the following question: What learning theory can contribute to the Portuguese language teaching-learning process in the Colégio nº 13 do Dundo? Our research is descriptive in nature, with quantitative results derived from the application of a questionnaire to students as a data collection tool. To achieve the established general objective, we used methods such as description and observation. The results obtained in this research reveal that students from Colégio Nº 13 face difficulties in grammar study classes, all because it is fragmented of traditionalist coercive terminologies or recipes that prevent them from actively expressing themselves, a grammar with impulsive dogmas that favor another linguistic reality, moreover, this study reveals that the same students present two tables of linguistic expression, the first is linked to a spontaneously spoken Portuguese, which, above all, is real, and the second is linked to a Portuguese that only makes sense when the student is in the school environment, complete with recipes of right and wrong, which does not allow the construction of active learning. With the observation of classes, it seemed to us a certain traditionalism/behaviorism of teachers who inset and disregard the Portuguese that students make use of on a daily life.


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Author Biography

José Corindo Muaquixe, Escola Pedagógica da Lunda Norte, Universidade Lueji A´Nkonde - Angola

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How to Cite

Muaquixe, J. C. . (2022). the implications of traditionalism in the process of teaching-learning of portuguese language in the colégio nº13 do dundo: Maliji akulu aku longesela nawo laka lyia Phutfu ku Colégio nº13 mu limbo lia Dundo (Angola). NJINGA&SEPÉ: Revista Internacional De Culturas, Línguas Africanas E Brasileiras, 2(1), 75–91. Retrieved from