Inclusão dos alunos com dificuldade visual na Província de Nampula

Wùrányiwa w’asomi ahinòna sàna eprovinsiya ya Wámphula


  • Nharongue David Araujo Universidade Catolica de Mocambique - Moçambique
  • Natalia Jose Toqueleque Universidade Católica de Moçambique - Moçambique


Estratégias, Inclusão, Dificuldade visual


ABSTRACT (Portuguese): This research entitled "Inclusion of students with visual impairment in the province of Nampula", aims to identify the strategies for the inclusion of students with visual impairment who need special education services in a Y institution. The methodological option, a qualitative approach was chosen case study and descriptive research. Six (6) employees took part in 6 (six) collaborators took part in this study (1 director, 3 teachers and 2 students). The instrument used for data collection was a semi-structured interview. The results of this study show that, in the institution under study, the staff have made efforts to socialize students, create teaching resources, train didactic resources, in the formation of typological classes to accommodate students with different with different special educational needs. Students with visual students with visual impairments are not in the same class as those with hearing impairments, but they can with normal students and those with psychomotor and physical needs. Therefore, the students start

their lessons with tools provided by the teachers, such as teachers, such as egg combs, then they move on to sticks or punches and finally to the Braille and finally to the Braille system. In this educational institution, there are no teachers specifically trained to deal with students with visual impairments. students, but they have taken part in short-term training courses organized by the Nampula Provincial Directorate of Education and by the team from the Association of Mozambican Deficient (ADEMO). The conclusion is that interaction is positive in the teaching and learning process. It can be inferred that staff make egg combs, staves, braille machines, plans and maps available in the teaching and learning process maps in the teaching and learning process. In this context, the methodology used by teachers in the classroom is joint collaboration.

Author Biographies

Nharongue David Araujo, Universidade Catolica de Mocambique - Moçambique

Doutor em Inovação Educativa.Universidade Catolica de Mocambique.

Natalia Jose Toqueleque, Universidade Católica de Moçambique - Moçambique

Licenciada em Desenvolvimento Comunitário e Serviço Social.


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How to Cite

Araujo, N. D., & Toqueleque, N. J. (2024). Inclusão dos alunos com dificuldade visual na Província de Nampula: Wùrányiwa w’asomi ahinòna sàna eprovinsiya ya Wámphula. NJINGA&SEPÉ: Revista Internacional De Culturas, Línguas Africanas E Brasileiras, 4(1), 225–240. Retrieved from