Variation of Citshwa

comparative analysis of Cihlengwe spoken in Massinga and Cimhandla of Vilankulo district – Mozambique


  • Lucerio Gundane Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


linguistic variation, Citshwa, Cihlengwe, Cimhandla.


Taking into account the phonetic-phonological, morphosyntactic and discursive analysis, the study describes the linguistic and extralinguistic factors that contribute to the variation and/or linguistic change in Citshwa (S.51). Integrated in the Theoretical-Descriptive Linguistics of Bantu, the study is based on the methodological model of the Variationist Sociolinguistics of Labov (1972) and analyzes the variations of Citshwa, focusing on Cihlengwe, spoken in the district of Massinga and Cimhandla, spoken in Vilankulo district in Inhambane province, in the southern region of Mozambique. The problem that arises is the following: what factors contribute to the variation of Citshwa? What are the most common variations between Cihlengwe and Cimhandla? Regarding the methodology, during the research, the data were collected within the months of February to March 2021 and analyzed qualitatively. As for data generation, the following methods were adopted: bibliographic research, observation, interview and questionnaire, which contained the basic vocabulary of Citshwa. Regarding data analysis, the comparative method and the introspective method were adopted. Thus, after analyzing and discussing the data, it was found that the most frequent variations of Citshwa are at the phonetic-phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical and discursive levels. With regard to factors, the study proved that the variation of Citshwa is conditioned by linguistic factors (contact of languages, interference from other languages) and extralinguistic factors (social, geographical location of Vilankulo and Massinga districts).


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Author Biography

Lucerio Gundane, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Doutorando em Linguística Pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, linha de pesquisa – Políticas Linguísticas; Mestre em Linguística, Professor de Linguística Teórica e Descritiva de Português e das Línguas Bantu na Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais, da Universidade Save – Maxixe


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How to Cite

Gundane, L. . (2023). Variation of Citshwa: comparative analysis of Cihlengwe spoken in Massinga and Cimhandla of Vilankulo district – Mozambique. NJINGA&SEPÉ: Revista Internacional De Culturas, Línguas Africanas E Brasileiras, 3(1), 209–225. Retrieved from