Discourse analysis - persuasive linguistic traits in the discourse by Marcos Alexandre Nhunga at the end of the year 2023

Analyse ya discours - traits linguistiques persuasifs na discours ya Marcos Alexandre Nhunga na suka ya mobu 2023


  • José Ngola Carlos Universidad Europea del Atlântico
  • Milton Gaspar Domingos Universidade Agostinho Neto -Angola


discourse, discourse analysis, persuasion and linguistic traits.


In the present article, is analyzed a discourse made at the end of the year 2023 by the governor of Malanje province, Marcos Alexandre Nhunga, in the ceremony of greetings in relation to the ending of the year. The paper is about finding out the persuasive linguistic traits found in the discourse under analysis. It was necessary to go through the literature review in which many scholars on french Discourse Analysis, persuasion, linguistic traits and so on had to be revisited to support the study. It was necessary to present information on the author and his discourse, after which the data were collected and analyzed. To get to the objectives of the article, it was necessary to use the applying research approach, discussed qualitatively, attained to the descriptive purpose and documental analysis process. The result was that, to persuade the audience, it was necessary the use of three persuasive linguistic traits: lexical trait, syntactic and pragmatic. There is also the argument of agreement, linguistic competence, concrete proof and authority. Nevertheless, the three traditional and fundamental persuasive elements were identified, the logos, ethos and pathos.


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Author Biographies

José Ngola Carlos, Universidad Europea del Atlântico

Mestre em Educação pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanidades da Universidad Europea del Atlântico e Licenciado em Língua e Literaturas em Língua Inglesa pela Faculdade de Humanidades da Universidade Agostinho Neto. Formado em Contabilidade e Gestão pelo Instituto Médio Politécnico do Bengo. Professor de Português, Caligrafia, Inglês desde o ano de 2010.

Milton Gaspar Domingos, Universidade Agostinho Neto -Angola

Licenciado em Língua e Literaturas em Língua Portuguesa pela Faculdade de Humanidades da Universidade Agostinho Neto.


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How to Cite

Carlos, J. N., & Domingos, M. G. . (2024). Discourse analysis - persuasive linguistic traits in the discourse by Marcos Alexandre Nhunga at the end of the year 2023: Analyse ya discours - traits linguistiques persuasifs na discours ya Marcos Alexandre Nhunga na suka ya mobu 2023. NJINGA&SEPÉ: evista nternacional e ulturas, Línguas fricanas rasileiras, 4(2), 260–276. etrieved from https://revistas.unilab.edu.br/index.php/njingaesape/article/view/1719



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