As ações de branding nas pequenas médias empresas em Moçambique

Zvinhu zvakaitika mumabutiro matiki nepakati mumozambique


  • Sonia Banguira Posse Universidade Catolica de Mocambique


Branding, SMEs, brand, actions, Mozambique, resources


 Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) are universally recognized as the engine of the global economy, generating employment, taxes, and ensuring the provision of products and services to society. Mozambican SMEs are no exception, yet they face a variety of challenges that prevent them from realizing their expected potential, such as difficult access to credit, inadequate infrastructure, and weak management skills. It is in the marketing management component, particularly branding, that this study aims to make a contribution by assessing the branding practices of Mozambican SMEs and to establish the level of perception of the relevance of these practices to business success. The study was carried out based on a literature review of articles on branding in large companies and SMEs, the challenges that SMEs face in brand management, and the prevalence of these practices in Mozambique. It was found that branding has been developed in the domain of large companies and that there are few studies on SMEs in general and in particular in the case of Mozambican SMEs. It was found that SMEs do not consider branding a priority due to lack of financial, human and time resources.


Keywords: Branding, SMEs, brand, actions, Mozambique, resources


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Author Biography

Sonia Banguira Posse, Universidade Catolica de Mocambique

Doutoranda em Ciências de Comunicação pela Faculdade de Educação e Comunicação da Universidade Católica de Moçambique, Mestre em Gestão de Negócios pela Faculdade de Economia e Gestão da Universidade Católica de Moçambique e Licenciada em Psicologia Escolar pela Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique. 


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How to Cite

Banguira Posse, S. (2024). As ações de branding nas pequenas médias empresas em Moçambique: Zvinhu zvakaitika mumabutiro matiki nepakati mumozambique. NJINGA&SEPÉ: evista nternacional e ulturas, Línguas fricanas rasileiras, 4(Especial II), 445–457. etrieved from