Abastecimento de água e suas implicações na saúde pública na comuna sede do Município de Cabinda-Angola

Ufwenjye ci mazi y bificikya biandi mu m’vingu ci babonso va m’senje nguli va m’senje mamboma ci Cabinda-Angola


  • Jerónimo Casimiro Tula Gomes Universidade Onze de Novembro - Angola


Abastecimento, Água, Saneamento



The water supply emerges as the foundation for building healthy communities and the backbone for the sustainable development of nations. Therefore, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals emphasize the importance of water and sanitation as essential elements for achieving global targets. In the corridors of public health, it assumes the role of guardian against infectious diseases that afflict vulnerable communities. The research on the theme "Water supply and its implications on public health in the municipal headquarters of Cabinda" sought to propose actions to improve water supply systems for the benefit of public health in the community. The Hypothetical-Deductive and Statistical methods were adopted, and the types of research were exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory, employing techniques such as structured interviews, semi-closed questionnaires, document analysis, and non-participatory observation. The diagnosis reveals the predominance of 92.77% of malaria cases, leading to a mortality rate of 77.93% (286/367). Among waterborne diseases, the age group most affected was 5 to 14 years, with over 30%. Of the 140,521 households in the community, only 16.66% have access to the public water supply network. In the environmental aspect, there was a negative correlation, with 58.7% disposing of wastewater in the street. However, 60.2% of respondents are dissatisfied with water supply services. After data collection and analysis, it was concluded that to achieve the objectives, it is necessary to improve access, continuous supply, and water quality; invest in wastewater treatment service coverage, construction of waste valorization centers, and supply infrastructure.

Keywords: Water Supply, Wastewater Sanitation, Health, Population, Local Development.


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Author Biography

Jerónimo Casimiro Tula Gomes , Universidade Onze de Novembro - Angola

Mestrando em Administração e Desenvolvimento Local e Licenciado em Gestão de Empresa, pela Universidade Onze de Novembro, Faculdade de Economia / Cabinda.


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How to Cite

Gomes , J. C. T. . (2024). Abastecimento de água e suas implicações na saúde pública na comuna sede do Município de Cabinda-Angola: Ufwenjye ci mazi y bificikya biandi mu m’vingu ci babonso va m’senje nguli va m’senje mamboma ci Cabinda-Angola. NJINGA&SEPÉ: evista nternacional e ulturas, Línguas fricanas rasileiras, 4(2), 206–225. etrieved from https://revistas.unilab.edu.br/index.php/njingaesape/article/view/1613



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