Os ritos de iniciação na cultura yao e impactos na Pedagogia educativa no Niassa

Unhago ku yao ni chikalelo cha usyomi ku Nyassa


  • Daniel António Marcos Universidade Católica de Moçambique - Moçambique

Mots-clés :

Pedagogia educativa, Ritos de iniciação, Cultura, Identidade dos Yaos.


Malowe ga kunandya (ciyao): Wa kutenda ushomiyu yi kudjimichiza hutendo ya wando wa yao muyele hi kutendegua wa kumanhilo mpela wele wando kukamuchisua kuzomezua ni kudgigalaga hutendo nyi ndamo dja xikala nyi yitendo kumala panandyi panandyi uzomwe wa kulekala wa wando wa yao ku província djá Nyassa ku mbala je Mozambique aku tukusaka  kuilemba  chikamuchisyo cha unhago ku yao chili kupita mbumba ni mbumba cha nchimisy  cha wando wa kalakala mpaka ajino ndawi jino ku mpela aji masigkugano uwe ganichisya kutichichi chitetengwe ku mbely djá wandu wa kalakala napi nadawi jino we ganichisya chichi chikutendegwa pakuty chicala  chi kamala napi ndawi jino  wekulandanya ku ndawi já chicala ni xazano ku masyiomo ga lelo kumbaly jine kwa wando wasiomile akuti unhago wa wando wa yao udy kupeleka majiganyo ga kuty  uwe  tukulele tuna nkwakulupila wane  ni kumanhilila kuti ayi yetu, ukwete nombe  mbili já kumanhila wa kuumbela we wando osope, ye lelo ilembile matala ga uchimbichimbi mum   nchimisy.Unhago ku yao ukulosya kupite kuwanache ku ukulungwa.jele ndawi mualijo jausile ku unhago jaly sawe wane wandu pa musy we kulosya mbyly we upikangane pa musy soni pakulosa ukulo wa ayao we  matekegakwe akuaula ku unhago kudja  kulijigania ndamo pa wando.

Abstract (english): The realization of this study allows us to perceive the cultural habits of the Yao people, after suggesting the need to understand how these people contribute to education, using their traditional habits and customs in society, as a way of responding to the void faced in the consolidation of learning of current life, where it is thought that the traces of traditional culture are gradually erasing. The traditional education of the Yao people, as it is commonly known, resurfaces through the initiation rites, especially in the regions where the Yao culture became popular, in the province of Niassa, northern Mozambique. Here we intend to describe the social role of initiation rites in the yao people, as a process that passes from generation to generation, challenged by the ancestors to the present day. and analyze what is done around its repercussions in current times of cultural flow and assess the level of relationship between the practice of initiation rites and educational institutions and try to relate to the evolution of education in some periods of the history of education . However, according to some authors, as a view, the initiation rites in the Yao people have the role of strengthening the social union among the members of the community, spreading among their participants the awareness of interdependence and awakening the feeling of belonging. They also have the role of socialization between the initiates and the community in general. They create guidelines for morals and outline rules of social conduct for the community. Initiation in the Yao context means achieving social adulthood. Through initiation, the individual passes from childhood to adulthood, thus becoming part of the active part of the life of his community and enjoying full rights and also, the highest moment of exaltation of the culture and identity of the community.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Daniel António Marcos, Universidade Católica de Moçambique - Moçambique

Mestrando em Gestão e Administração Educacional / Universidade Católica de Moçambique – Faculdade de Gestão de Recursos Florestais e Faunísticos/ Cidade de Lichinga, Província do Niassa


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Comment citer

Marcos, D. A. . (2021). Os ritos de iniciação na cultura yao e impactos na Pedagogia educativa no Niassa : Unhago ku yao ni chikalelo cha usyomi ku Nyassa. NJINGA&SEPÉ: Revista Internacional De Culturas, Línguas Africanas E Brasileiras, 1(1), 183–199. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistas.unilab.edu.br/index.php/njingaesape/article/view/559



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