Integração curricular dos saberes locais: relação escola-comunidade local

Curriculum integration of local knowledge: school-local community relationship


  • Verónica Sibinde Mpanda Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ISCISA)


Currículo Local, Integração Curricular, Escola, Comunidade Local


Throughout its history, Mozambique has developed policies that guided educational action and have been accompanied by curricular reforms. In 2003, the third curricular reform of Basic Education took place focused on the local curriculum and the school-community relationship, with the purpose of understanding how community is integrated in the learning and education of children. The topic developed in this article is about Curricular Integration: Relationship between School and Local Community. It aims to analyze curricular integration and the participation of the local community in appreciating the local knowledge teaching strategies, thus answering the question: Is there an integrated curricular and how do schools ensure community participation in local curriculum implementation? It was a qualitative study, using the technique of interviews made to parents and those responsible for the education of the children. The results indicate that there is no integration of local knowledge in the local curriculum, due to the following factors: (i) the lack of definition of local specific contents of each region; (ii) the contents and competencies defined in the curriculum are very comprehensive and with greater focus on patriotic education and national unity; (iii)  lack of  well defined methodology of community involvement in the implementation of the local curriculum; the suggestion that the insertion of new contents of local interest in the Teaching Program must be articulated by the teacher, lacks an authoritative body to validate the knowledge which has identified by the teacher; (iv) the parents do not know that there is a local curriculum and therefore do not participate in the teaching process.

Key words: Local Curriculum, Integrated Curricular, School, Local Community


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Author Biography

Verónica Sibinde Mpanda, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ISCISA)

Doutorada em Inovação Educativa, Especialista em Gestão de Qualidade no Ensino Superior, pela Universidade Católica de Moçambique (UCM), Master en Gestión Integrada Del Conocimiento, El Capital Intelectual Y Los Recursos Humanos, pela Universidade Politécnica de Madrid  (CEPADE), Mestre em Administração Pública e Desenvolvimento, com Especialista em Administração Territorial, pelo Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais (ISRI). Experiência em Ensino e Gestão de Qualidade de Ensino Superior


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How to Cite

Mpanda, V. S. (2022). Integração curricular dos saberes locais: relação escola-comunidade local: Curriculum integration of local knowledge: school-local community relationship. NJINGA&SEPÉ: evista nternacional e ulturas, Línguas fricanas rasileiras, 2(1), 188–205. etrieved from