M. BYGATE Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018.


  • Socorro Gardenia Carvalho de Paula UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ


O livro “Learning Language through Task Repetiton”, editado por Martin Bygate, reúne diferentes pesquisas feitas por diferentes colaboradores sobre o construto “repetição de tarefas” a partir de metodologias informadas por referenciais teóricos diferentes, e tem como foco que tipos de mudanças ocorrem quando os alunos se envolvem na repetição de tarefas e como essas mudanças podem estar relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da linguagem. A obra possui doze capítulos que se complementam e demonstram uma variedade de estruturas interpretativas com relatos a partir de uma variedade de contextos educacionais de linguagem. Martin Bygate é um linguista britânico, e ocupa atualmente o cargo de professor honorário do Departamento de Linguística e Língua Inglesa da Universidade de Lancaster, no Reino Unido. Sua pesquisa possui foco na linguística aplicada, mais especificamente na aprendizagem de línguas.


AUBREY, S. The impact of intra-cultural and inter-cultural task repetition on interaction. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p.117-142.

DEKEYSER, R. Task repetition for language learning: A perspective from skill acquisition theory. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 27-41.

De JONG, N. & TILLMAN, P. Grammatical structures and oral fluency in immediate task repetition. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 43-73.

HU, X. Effects of task type, task- type repetition, and performance criteria on L2 oral production. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 143-169.

KIM,Y. , CROSSLEY, S., JUNG, Y., KYLE, K., KANG, S.The effects of task repetition and task complexity on L2 lexicon use. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 75-96.

KOBAYASHI, E., KOBAYASHI, M. Second language learning through repeated engagement in a poster presentation task. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 223-254.

LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. Task repetition or task iteration?: It does make a difference. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 311-329.

LYNCH, T. Perform, reflect, recycle: Enhancing task repetition in second language speaking classes. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 193-222.

NITTA, R., BABA, K. Understanding benefits of repetition from a complex dynamic systems perspective: the case of a writing task. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 279-309.

SHEPPARD, C. & ELLIS, R. The effects of awareness-raising through stimulated recall on the repeated performance of the same task and on a new task of the same type. In M. BygateEd. Learning Language Through Task Repetition (pp. 171-192). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 171-192.

SHINTANI, N. Mediating imput-based tasks for beginner learners through task repetition: A socialcultural perspective. In M. BygateEd. Learning Language Through Task Repetition (pp. 171-192). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 255-278.

WANG, Z. & CHEN, G. Discourse performance in L2 task repetition. In M. Bygate Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, p. 97-116.




Como Citar

Carvalho de Paula, S. G. (2020). M. BYGATE Ed. Learning Language Through Task Repetition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018. andinga evista e studos Linguísticos (ISSN: 2526-3455), 4(1), 94–98. ecuperado de https://revistas.unilab.edu.br/index.php/mandinga/article/view/426


