Percepções sobre educação literária: caso de estudantes do 2° e 3º anos do curso de Licenciatura em Ensino da Língua Portuguesa

O kuijiia o madimi: o ku longa o dimi dia phutu ku maxibulu a mu di longa mu mivu iiadi mba itatu


  • Gilberto Pedro João Sonhi Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Luanda -Angola


Educação Literária, Leitura Literária, Formação, Leitor



Understanding the issue of literary education, in a context like ours where children, young people and adults have little appreciation for the act of reading, is a very important and challenging task, as literary education helps in the formation of children's reading awareness, of young people, adults and contributes to the intellectual and cultural development of readers, as well as the development of linguistic-scientific literacy of future teachers and Portuguese language teachers in particular. This text aims to understand the perception of students in the second and third years of the degree course in Portuguese language teaching about literary education. This is a qualitative investigation. For its materialization, we applied a questionnaire survey with six open questions, which, after analyzing the responses, were treated qualitatively, taking into account the theoretical framework on literary education presented in this investigation and the information contained in the survey questionnaires underwent a pre- analysis, exploration of the material, treatment of results, inference and interpretation. This investigation allowed us to understand that, although literature and literary texts are present in the teaching of the Portuguese language, little has been done to promote literary education and to train competent readers who read in quantity and quality.


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Author Biography

Gilberto Pedro João Sonhi, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Luanda -Angola

Licenciado em Ensino da Língua Portuguesa pela Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo (2019) e mestre em Metodologia de Ensino da Língua Portuguesa no Ensino Secundário pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Luanda, em parceria com o Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho, Portugal, (2022). É professor de Língua Portuguesa no segundo ciclo do ensino secundário e professor do Departamento de Ensino e de Investigação Científica de Letras Modernas da Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo.


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How to Cite

Sonhi, G. P. J. . (2024). Percepções sobre educação literária: caso de estudantes do 2° e 3º anos do curso de Licenciatura em Ensino da Língua Portuguesa: O kuijiia o madimi: o ku longa o dimi dia phutu ku maxibulu a mu di longa mu mivu iiadi mba itatu. NJINGA&SEPÉ: evista nternacional e ulturas, Línguas fricanas rasileiras, 4(2), 112–125. etrieved from



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